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Eco Responsible

Beachcomber's environmental policy.

Eco Responsible

The Beachcomber Hotels are committed to achieving best sustainability practices and behave responsibly.

Below is a list of our initiatives introduced in our endeavor to reduce our carbon footprint and contribute towards a cleaner, safer and more sustainable planet, with greater support to community partners, through the engagement of our Artisans and stakeholders as we encourage our Guests to participate in our sustainability projects.


Use Water Efficiently

  1. 100% of irrigation is achieved via recycled waste water through waste water treatment plants installed on all our properties.
  1. Endemic plants are privileged to reduce irrigation needs.
  2. Our properties on Le Morne Peninsula produce their own water from desalination. This allows 800m3 of potable water to be redistributed to the nearby villages on a daily basis.
  1. Advanced pool water quality monitoring and control systems have been installed on all our main pools and help greatly in reducing the number and period of backwash required for these pools. This, in turn, has helped reduce the volume of water lost to drain via backwash.
  1. All staff zones are fitted with automatic faucets, toilets and urinals to further reduce wastage.
  1. Aerated taps and water saving showerheads have been installed in all rooms as well as dual flush toilets in all rooms and public areas.
  1. Linen Change Card in place in all our rooms helping guests to indicate when they would like their linen and towels to be replaced and washed.

Choose Less and Greener Energy

  1. Licenses received to install 1200 kW of PV panels on the roofs of several of our properties.
  1. Our architectural designs favor natural lighting.
  2. Our hotel roofs are gradually being waterproofed with white liquid polyurethane membrane or white solid membranes. The effect is to reduce the irradiation effect on the roof and achieve a 5°C cooling effect on the inside of the buildings. Cascade effect on internal employee and guest comfort is appreciable.
  1. Variable speed drives have been installed wherever possible but mainly on our pumps, industrial fans, water chillers and compressors. These devices have allowed us to save up to 40% on the energy usage of the aforesaid equipment.
  1. Centralized cold room systems, similar to those systems used in supermarkets, installed in all our kitchens with electronic controllers generating energy savings of above 30% as compared to standard unitary systems.
  1. Our kitchens are fitted with micro load shedding control systems. Thresholds are assigned for maximum energy consumed by each kitchen and when these thresholds are reached the load shedding system kicks in to reduce the consumption without affecting any cooking process.
  1. All refrigeration equipment converted to zero ODP refrigerants.
  2. Usage of fossil fuels for the production of domestic hot water is gradually being eliminated and is being replaced by a combination of solar generated hot water and utilisation of high temperature heat recovery on air conditioning chillers.
  1. Great care is given to design of hot water and chilled water distribution networks with special emphasis placed on proper insulation. This not only provides a high level of comfort to our guests but allows very interesting energetic savings.
  1. Room energy management systems are gradually being deployed in our hotel rooms. These systems combine motion detection, door switches and electronics to ensure that lighting and air conditioning are not left in operating mode when a room is unoccupied or when doors are opened. These systems have proved to save 11% of our overall energy bill wherever they have been deployed.
  1. The outdoor lighting is controlled by timers.
  2. The majority of light bulbs within our premises have been replaced with energy saving Light Emitting Diode (LED).

Manage Waste Responsibly

  1. 36% of all the waste generated by our properties is recycled.
  2. We have a collaboration in place with a waste management company called “Don’t Waste”. They handle the relationship with all the waste recyclers and handlers while keeping precise records of what is done and where it is done.
  • Compact Fluorescent Lighting and Fluorescent Bulbs are collected and sent for safe disposal.
  • A battery collection point is present at our Receptions for Guests and Artisans to place used batteries in for collection and safe disposal thereof.
  • Obsolete and broken computer components are sent for recycling as e-waste.
  • Used kitchen cooking oil is collected, cleaned and used in steam boilers as a replacement to fuel oil(BiOil).
  1. Within our Back of house, a tri-bin separation system is in place, separating waste into wet or dry waste. At some properties the waste sorting process has been deployed further upfront at kitchen and pantry levels. We aim to achieve this level of deployment where our Artisans are more and more involved, within the next year.
  1. Separate waste bins also present within public areas of some of our hotels for Guests to use.
  1. We re-use paper for office use, i.e. print on both sides before disposing via recycling.
  1. Elimination of single use plastic straws and stirrers since august 2018 in all our properties. This represents a saving of 350,000 single use plastic straws and 525,500 stirrers over the last year.
  1. Introduction of in house water bottling which has led to a drastic reduction of single use plastic water bottles. At Paradis and Dinarobin where the project was started in December 2017 the following savings were achieved:
  • 102,987 x 750 ml bottles of still water
  • 45,136 x 750 ml bottles of sparkling water
  • 44,687 x 500 ml bottles of still water
  1. Ongoing initiatives by our hotels to serve locally produced food, privilege seasonality and fresh food, serve food in a more responsible manner and recycle as appropriate – ex. Orange peels dried and used as components for crème brulée at Victoria.
  1. We have our own beehives at Royal Palm with home-made produced honey served to our Guests. This initiative will be further extended to other properties.
  1. 2 of our hotels are currently engaged in FoodWise project with carefully selected food left over from our buffets donated to community near-by. Left over from buffet is weighted, thereby helping to reduce same over time and come up with better monitoring at source. This project is to be further extended to other selected properties.
  1. Food waste recycled for pig’s food to nearby farmers in some of our hotels in progress.
  1. Recycling of Nespresso capsules in progress.
  2. Use of linen in recycling projects through the craftsmanship of Beautiful LocalHands: napkins and table cloths recycled into kitchen cloths and working on recycling of bed linen (some 3,000 annually) into Slippers Bags and Linen Bags to be placed in hotel Guest rooms.

Embellishing Environment / Biodiversity

  1. A growing percentage of all plants in our gardens are indigenous and we encourage planting of endemic trees in our gardens as part also of specific events. Indication of endemic trees through specific signage in our gardens for our Guests.
  1. Eliminating the use of hazardous substances.
  2. Use of seawater to control weeds on our grass.

Fostering Community development

  1. Rs 1,000,000 distributed annually to NGOs through our “Fondation Espoir Developpement Beachcomber” (FED); Rs 400,000 dedicated to community projects led by our artisans in villages around our hotels, in particular the Duke of Edinburgh Award program and collaboration with schools.
  1. Beautiful LocalHands to empower 50 Mauritian craft producers to access the tourism market, and in particular our hotels.
  1. Youth Employability Project (PEJ) to promote employability of some 300 out of schools youths from vulnerable backgrounds in our hotels every year.
  1. Maximization of local employment with majority of our Artisans living within a 10km radius.
  1. Working on new concept of one of our restaurants at Le Morne Peninsula in partnership with an ONG situated within Le Morne Vicinity: Green Village, who will produce their vegetables and condiments.


Responsible Sourcing

  1. All our Suppliers have been informed about our Policy and today we select our suppliers based on their responsible commitment.
  1. We favour eco-friendly products: cleaning products / bathroom amenities / FSC certified paper…
  1. Contribution to Reef Conservation through the sale of specifically designed bathing suits.

Engagement of our Artisans

  1. Sustainable practices incorporated within our Brand Standards and as part of our Onboarding pack to new comers. All our Artisans have received an EarthCheck Awareness training course.
  1. Awareness sessions also provided to main stakeholders working within our premises, including Beach hawkers’ / Taxi drivers.
  1. Commitment of our Boat House Artisans who followed Awareness sessions with Reef Conservation in order to demonstrate a more responsible approach towards Guest during snorkeling trips.
  1. Eco-Responsible stickers placed on key equipment to help sensitize Artisans to use them in a responsible manner.
  1. All our hotels participated in the Earth-Hour.
  2. Engagement through specific events in line with World Environment Day / World Ocean Day with clean-Up projects amongst others. Contribution of our Guests
  1. Starting from the youngest ones through participation in our:
  • Be Eco-Friendly signature activity as part of our weekly Kids Club program
  • Beautiful Neighbours Ritual on a monthly basis
  1. Information provided in our Room Directory on “Our Commitment to Sustainability” as part of our Eco-Responsible label.
  1. Contribution through our Top FED Programme, over and above activities already mentioned above, and participation to specific activities as part of World Environment Day amongst others.

Our History

Discover where it all began with Beachcomber Hotels in Mauritius.

Financial Protection

All our package holidays are 100% safe with our ATOL and ABTA bondings.

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