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Mauritius Hotels and Resorts

Canonnier Beachcomber Golf Resort & Spa

Accommodation at Canonnier

Discover luxury when you stay at Canonnier

Restaurants and Bars

Try a new culinary experience at Canonnier's restaurants and bars with a variety of dishes for you to enjoy

Spa Beachcomber

Relax and enjoy the experience of our beautiful and exotic Spa Beachcomber

Land, Water Sports & Golf

Make your stay even more memorable by taking part in a range of land and water sports on offer to you

All Inclusive

Discover what all inclusive offers are available at Canonnier

Weddings & Honeymoons

Explore the wedding packages at Canonnier and what's included in our honeymoons.

Special Offers

Fantastic offers available at Canonnier Beachcomber

Image Gallery

See the beautiful images of Canonnier Beachcomber